Frequently asked Questions

You got a question? On this page we collected the most frequently asked questions and answers. If you didn’t find what you were looking for, please contact us!

Do I need to sign in, in advance?

It is recommended, in case of a group visit it is especially suggested, in order to avoid congestion and longer waits.

Can I enter the museum with a dog?


Does the museum buy antiques?

The museum collects objects based on its theme. Please contact our professional museologist. (

Can I pay with a credit card?


Where can I park, and how much do I have to pay for it, if I want to visit the museum?

On the street of the museum you have to pay for parking, the parking price depends on the distance by the A or B zone tariffs.

Is there a maximum/minimum number of people when starting a guided tour?

In case a group exceeds 30 people, there must be a group division.

Can I visit the museum with a stroller?

Because of the structure of the building, you can only see a small part of the exhibition with a stroller.

Is the museum accessible with a wheelchair?

The museum is partly accessible.

Where can I find the disabled parking spots?

On the street of the museum there are some parking spaces for the diasabled.