Opening hours

Daily: 9.00 – 17.00
Monday-Wednesday: Closed

More information


Kékfestő Múzeum Pápa
8500 Pápa, Március 15. tér 12.



Tickets can be purchased online
or on the spot

Ticket purchase

Blue dyeing. Museum. Pápa.

About the Museum

Hungary's one and only blue dyeing museum museum on a European level which presents the entire work process of blue painting.

In our museum you get introduced to the secrets of a complicated procedure and you can learn that it is not a dead craft at all, but is still blossoming today. In November of 2018 blue dyeing got on the list of UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage.

At our exhibitions, visitors can get a taste of the products of active Hungarian workshops and former masters in an old fair environment. In the more than 250-year-old, three-storey drying building, the former workshop comes to life through guided tours.

What can be seen in the museum…

On the drying attic Irén Bódy Munkácsy Mihály awarded industrial artist’s masterpieces that show you the blue dyeing modern, artistic way and make the museum experience unforgettable. The machine park is also worth mentioning, as the steam engine of the famous Viennese company Hoffmeister, manufactured in 1912, can be seen in perfect condition, as well as one of a kind horse powered mangle. Furthermore, on the guided tour you can also learn that…

  • What is the “pap”?
  • What does the pap has to do with the small chest called “sasiláda”?
  • Where is the dyeing room?
  • In what did they store the indigo vat-dye?
  • How did they ground the indigo plant?
  • What was the use of the star shaped bars?
  • What was the use of the star shaped bars?